Tuesday, September 27, 2011

making it through

You know the feeling of I guess just lonliness? Well latley that's really just kind of been me. I know I'm cared about and loved,but sometimes it just doesn't seem like that. The thing that keeps me going though is Jesus. I can't do it alone,and I have to remember that every day. I have to remember that he's on my side,and he has a purpose for everything.he will never leave me nor forsake me. He has my best interest in mind. And with his help I can do anything.
Jeremiah 29:11
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1 comment:

  1. absolutely Andrea!!! I went through a very similar thing recently. But I realized that God was always on my side, and that He loves me more than anyone! We have to stay strong and keep looking to Him in our times of trouble. And yeah its hard to do, but know that you have loving friends, and we all struggle with similar things, because we're human! Love you Andrea!


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