Thursday, June 24, 2010


Are any of you serving in VBS? I'd love to hear how you see God working this week, or anything He is teaching you as you work with the younger kids.


  1. I have been working in 3rd-5th grade missions. Every day there is a mission video we watch about missionaries in the world. The teacher Mrs.Borza asked the children one time if they can do something to help their community. it started me thinking that some of those missionaries started as tiny things but became big over time and reached lots of people. It may not seem like it but in Tallahassee we were missionaries. Every little thing we do to help the community is mission work. MI is us being missionaries. I've never been in MI but i've heard its fun. I love serving. Even though were just teenagers we can make a big impact on our community. We can start a program or something to help people and it will turn into a company. What was that verse? Don't let people look down on you because your young? "Little guys(girls) can do BIG things too" as Junior the Asparagus said. Come on girls! We can make a difference!

  2. That's a good point, Emily!
    One time when our homeschool group went to seaworld (i was about 9 or 10) and when we went to eat lunch we were really worried (or at least the moms were) because we were a big group of home schoolers, and people don't usually like home school kids coming as a group. But when we left the janitor of the resturant went up to the moms and asked how they could get a bunch of elementary age kids to be so good, and they were able to talk to him a little bit about God and stuff. It was cool to see how even though we were young and only on a field trip, we had made a big impact on this guys day.

    And one time we went to Dillard's and there were like six girls in one dressing room, and we were pretty LOUD. And we hit the dress call button like seven times, and this old lady eventually had to tell us how to turn the alarm off ourselves. When we left, we felt really bad about how crazy hyper we were, so we tried to slip out and put the dresses back before they could see us. But when we came out, they were thanking us for being so polite and sweet! They were way shocked when we actually put all ten billion times six dresses back where they belonged, and said most girls wouldn't even say thank you! Then, they said goodbye and said all the dresses looked pretty on us.

    It really showed me that everywhere i go, i'm a witness by just the way i act. Most of the time, kids our age get really wrapped up in ourselves and we don't stop to care about the people around us. I know for me, i don't care as much about people when i feel bad about myself, and so some kid could be sitting at a party in a corner, and i'd never talk to them because i'm feeling bad about myself!
    So really all we have to do to witness at like the mall and our friend's house is to care. To care about people and their jobs and to SHOW we care. It also reminds me that sometimes i need to work on being polite. Pray for me about that.

  3. I wish the guys who created Veggie tales could read this blog! They'd be thrilled at how you guys as young adults are applying the truths of Veggie Tales (from the Bible) to your life! That's another example of starting with something small and it being something BIG in God's hands.

  4. ...becuase GOD IS BIGGER THAN THE BUGGIE MAN!!!!!


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